If you are having trouble covering an unexpected expense like a medical bill or a car repair and you need cash now but have bad credit, you may now know what to do. Is there any way to get short-term funds even if you have a bad credit score?
The answer is “yes!” At, we specialize in giving short-term payday loans to people who need emergency cash but do not have a good credit score. If you need cash now but have bad credit – or no credit – you’re in the right place. Learn more now.
We Don’t Require a Credit Check for Our Payday Loans
Unlike some other payday lenders out there, we do not require a credit check to approve you for a payday loan. Your credit score doesn’t matter, as long as you can meet a few simple payday loan requirements:
If you can prove that you meet these criteria, we can almost always guarantee that you will be approved for a payday loan. However, there is one major exception. We will not be able to offer you a payday loan if you have declared bankruptcy within the past year or have declared bankruptcy multiple times.
How Can I Get Cash Now with Bad Credit? Our Simple Application Process
Wondering how you can get cash now with bad credit from Here’s a quick overview of the process.
Get Cash Now with Bad Credit at is a great choice if you need to get cash fast but have bad credit. To get started and learn more, just visit our website now and fill out an application.